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Dangers of E-Commerce – Risky Business For Buyers and Sellers

E-commerce is an integral part of the internet today and has created an entirely new way of buying and selling. But there are many dangers of e-commerce to be considered, and they can occur on both sides. Buyers always run a risk of being deceived or sold bogus goods no matter where they purchase. But the internet seems to bring out the bad in many who, knowing the other party is perhaps miles or a continent away, will deceive them by sending the wrong item, poor quality item, or even nothing at all. From the buyers end they may find that what they purchased is not quite what was advertised so when they are expecting an item that was “touted” as a fantastic bargain, it turns out to be junk that they would never have purchased if they had a chance to examine it first hand.The anonymity of internet buying and selling creates many dangers of e-commerce and many times those who have cheated on a purchase are never found to be prosecuted. Buying on the large auction sites on the internet is somewhat safer as they offer buyer protection for many of the transactions handled through their site. But the old expression “let the buyer beware” has never been more relevant than with internet purchases. The dangers of e-commerce can involve the products themselves as well as the electronic transaction. Look at it from the perspective of the buyer.1) Products can be of inferior quality or not the same as was advertised or promoted on the seller’s web site. If the quality is sub-standard, the transaction may be considered a “bait and switch” which means that what was offered is different from what the customer receives.2) Items sold on the internet may require an electronic transaction to complete the purchase. When the seller receives the buyer’s credit card information, they can then use that to their advantage. If they have intentions of committing a criminal act, they can use the card information to make other purchases for themselves.3) One of the big dangers of e-commerce and a major problem today is identity theft. This can happen when an unscrupulous person sells that personal info to another party who in turn, uses it. This type of activity will, of course, only be done by a “fly by night” seller who will then vanish, only to pop up using another web site and another business name to perform their illegal activities.The dangers of e-commerce can be seen to occur from the other side as well. If the buyer states they never received their goods, there is no actual way to prove they did not, unless the items are shipped with a return receipt request and that is not normally done because it is an added expense.Most of those who sell on the internet are honest people who sell their wares with a very small margin of profit. They must sell as cheaply as possible because they have a lot of competition, not only online but at local stores as well. So, one of the dangers of e-commerce to be considered is that some businesses can be driven into bankruptcy when they can’t sell their products as cheaply as another.These are only meant to be things to consider when purchasing online and the dangers of e-commerce innocent people must be aware of.

How an Online Business Directory Can Help in Making a Fruitful Online Business Search

Visibility in the market allows an internet marketing business to be ahead of the game. An online business search makes it possible for you to know how visible your business is in the online community. Including in online business directories can help you achieve visibility and in the process, allow you to gain more clients and wider recognition.An online business search can be beneficial for you in the long run. By checking your business online, you will be able to know how detectable you are in the market and will also help you determine ways to be more seen. When doing a quick search, try to key in words that are related to your industry. You will be able to instantly see the results for the search and determine if it is included in the listings.Getting listed in online directories is one way of increasing your market visibility. Online business directories are popular among consumers because it is convenient to use and provides easier access to business within the local area. Online business directories are very helpful in giving assistance to clients and also, creating awareness regarding your business to consumers in your area. These directories allow searching for businesses by location and by business type.The advantages of online business directories can help your business gain an advantage in your field of expertise. The benefits brought about by these directories include the following:1. Business becomes easy to find. Being listed in the online directories allows clients who are interested in your industry to know that you exist. This way, if the need for your products or services arises, they will easily find your business. Directories allow for easy access to different businesses especially for immediate client needs.2. Business has more exposure using lest costly means. An online business directory allows you to enjoy exposure. It is also beneficial to some business owners because some listings can include you for free. If you can be listed in more directories, it makes your business more accessible to more potential clients.3. Business can impart more information. This is due to the fact that most directories will provide a link to your website. This means that you can achieve client awareness and promote products and services as well through the use of these directories.4. Business can enjoy higher SEO rankings. Inclusion in business directories can help you gain higher search engine optimization rankings because directory entries are given priority by search engines. Sometimes, a directory entry is regarded higher by the search engines than your own business website. In this manner, you really need to consider utilizing the use of business directories.Online business directories give an obvious advantage to your business. An online business search will be more fruitful if you will use this tool in promoting your business. You will be able to attract more clients, provide information to consumers, and enjoy the benefits of a visible business. You never know but a business directory listing may be the tool that you will need to take your business to the next level.

Understanding Plus Size Fashion Segments

As fashion and plus size evolve into a recognized and (soon-to-be) respected segment in fashion, so do the idiosyncrasies and nuances of fashion itself, as it pertains to plus size.You see, ten years ago, plus size only belonged in one lump segment, leaving us fashionistas with very little or if any options for shopping and discerning which pieces were of a “fashionable” standard. However, now, with the amalgamation (yes, I had to use this word) and plethora of fashions within plus size clothing, one could easily find herself lost, frustrated, confused, irritated, or flustered when shopping for an ideal outfit or piece of clothing.Why?We no longer have “one type” of fashion option for the plus size woman- we have many. However, to better understand and sort through the madness of them all, a budding fashionista must first understand what these newer segments are and learn the identifiers of these to shop smarter, not harder.No really… WHY?See, as in the straight- sized market, you will find certain segments within fashion that are grouped together, and for the most part, you know what to expect when shopping from that retailer or specific set of retailers. With the evolution of Plus Size Ready-to-Wear Fashion, the same now holds true. For sake of argument, we will group these segments for plus size fashion as straight sized fashion does to help explain the price discrepancies, size differences, in relation to the integrity and quality of a retailers’ or designers’ garment. The fashion industry is divided into five segments: haute couture, luxury, contemporary, fast fashion, and discount.* Haute Couture: Synonymous with “high fashion,” haute couture is a derivative of the French term “high sewing.” In France, the label “haute couture” is a protected designation. Designers, who attain this elusive and oft coveted title, produce custom-made clothing for the world’s most influential and wealthiest.
* Luxury: Pret-a-Porter or “Ready to Wear” is one-step down from Haute Couture relative to price and exclusivity, but still serves a discerning and well to do client.
* Contemporary: This fashion forward segment presents mid-priced fashions both fashion forward and quality driven. Oftentimes, these designers interpret fashions from the couture houses, making these fashions readily accessible.
* Fast Fashion: Quickly produced product in a cost efficient manner, delivering “high fashion looking” garments, at the lowest price possible. Relates to the manner of which items from the runway manufactured predominantly overseas with an extremely efficient turnaround.
* Discount: Usually looked at loss leaders, have quickly adapted to the fast fashion concepts leveraging their consumer’s buying power and reputation to fashion exclusive designer collections.However, the division and classification of what to expect from these segments do not stop there. Please read further into each segment, sans Haute couture, as to understand which designers and brands fall into each classification and what differentiates each one.Luxury Plus Size DesignersYes! They do exist! Goods that are of a higher quality and a respective higher price point are the fashion leaders within plus size. Designers such as:* Anna Scholz
* Cinzia Rocca
* Elena Miro
* Lafayette 148
* Marina Rinaldi
* Peggy LutzAre oftentimes carried in either specialty boutiques, specialty department stores such as Saks and Neiman Marcus command, at minimum, a $250 starting point. Expect the finest fabrics, usually imported from overseas, naturally a more conservative cut, with the exception of Anna Scholz and Elena Miro (the only plus size designer to continually show during Milan Fashion Week), impeccably tailored, fully lined, natural fabrics, with exclusivity in feel and wear.Contemporary Plus Size DesignersMirroring the contemporary collections represented in Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, and Saks, contemporary plus size fashion offers the fashion forward plus size woman options tailored to her curves at a moderate price point. These designers such as:* Amanda Uprichard
* David Meister
* Igigi
* Jibri
* Melissa Masse
* Monif C.
* SvobodaAre often the thoughts leaders, innovators, and risk takers within the plus size fashion segments, as they continually challenge the status quo or the norm in what fashion should be for the discerning plus size woman. This segment’s prices usually range from the low $100′s and can command up to $500 for more specialty pieces. Quality in these fabrics are only a sidestep lower than their luxury counterparts, introducing innovative blends in fabrics, specific silhouettes inspired by the designer’s artistic inspiration, and, like its luxury designers, have more intricate detailing.Plus Size Fast Fashion DesignersIn the light of Forever 21′s counterfeit lawsuits, fast fashion has received a tarnished image although fast fashion provides an amiable compliment to its contemporary counterparts. Popular designers in this segment include:* Torrid
* Faith 21
* Ashley Stewart
* Lane Bryant
* EvansWith the ability to mass produce up-to-the-minute trends and incredulously low price points, fast fashion provides edgy, often directly inspired from design houses, looks that range from as low as a $10 price point up to a $150 price tag. In order to deliver the trends to the market quickly, the quality, can, at times, be inferior to the luxury and contemporary designers. Expect polyester blends, wool blends, single stitched garments, either a looser silhouette or a variety of shapes that vary from garment to garment. To be worn for the moment, the lifespan of these fast fashion fashions are intended to last for the current season.Discount Plus Size DesignersChallenging and changing the fashion climate over the last year, discount leaders have created strategic partnerships with Contemporary Designers to bring affordable fashions to the masses. Retailers such as:* Old Navy
* Wal-Mart
* TargetHave collaborated with the likes of Norma Kamali, Just My Size, Pure Energy, and others to bring quality fashion at an affordable retail price. Discount leaders have allowed women an introduction into fashion options rarely seen and experienced. Discount designers serve as an introduction as well as dispel the notion of plus size fashion not being available. Each segment both provides and serves its purpose for the 60% of us plus size women in the ever diversifying industry of plus size fashion. It is important about knowing the differences in these segments so that you know what to expect when shopping a particular designer or retailer. Learning the difference affords you the ease of a headache or frustration when shopping to put your best curve forward.